a throwback to an incident a few years ago 🙂
There was I gliding up the escalator at kings cross last week – got to the top and just walking away when a lovely older voice said “excuse me ”
I turned around to see a very dapper looking older gent – blazer, tie and a delightful Client now gone 😉 x haven’t done anything to you yet !”
He laughed and winked
He said ” I followed your stocking legs all the way up – you have made me a very happy old man”
I thanked him, said it was my pleasure
– and gave him a card with my details and website on, telling him there maybe one or two pics more of me in my nylons – just hope its not all too much for him
Until the next time …
I often think that a slightly exposed shoulder emerging from a long satin night gown packs more sexiness than a naked body
Bette Davis