I maybe blonde but … prefer gents who turn up

why do I not meet under 35 ’s?

It’s mentioned on my detailed profiles, website and many tweets but looks like another update on my blog site is required

Many years ago I did see gents over 25 years, unfortunately, the majority spoiled it for the few

somehow the guys managed to find my phone number … in those days no twitter so on adultwork or my own site at www.adultwork.com/courtesanannabel

I asked for a booking on adult work and this was done, some times impressively speedily

but guess what?
they forget to cancel … no ability to send a few texts to say ‘can’t come’ ‘changed my mind’

The straw that broke the camels back so to speak was 15 no shows in one month

Will let you do the maths
15 guys x say 1 hour, £120 (in those days) plus turning down say 15 meets as I assumed I was booked
That’s 30 meets = £3600!

I’m not saying gents over 35 don’t let me down but on the whole most turn up, most cancel by text/call and 1 or 2 a month are a no show …

and so the next time you
wish to book a meet, …
remember …..
this is a business for the lady you are meeting
turn up on time &
if running late let her know
….. Most women find a man with good manners sexy

So if your 21+ I can offer cam shows and phone chats only …

Until the next time

Clothes and manners do not make the man; but when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance
Henry Ward Beecher

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