Recently life has thrown me a curve ball, unfortunately not a great fielder so it got right in the ***!
A most interesting observation was the many many quotes/proverbs and inspirational phrases friends and complete strangers gave me, let me share them with … you never know when one will just give you that light bulb moment
take a day at a time
even in the darkest hour there are still only 24 hours in a day !
there’s always light at the end of every tunnel
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step
They are all have a meaning personal to yourself and you take from them what works for you …
but one friend sent a whole list of funny inspirational quotes … and these did make me laugh :))
Dear life,
When I asked if my day could get worse, it was a rhetorical question not a challenge
Caution: When someone says get a grip. Apparently, around their neck is not what they meant
And finally …

Until the next time ….
When you decide to walk away, don’t look back
Gibbs Rule 91 NCIS