We all, no matter who we are have someone sort of expectation :- on life, relationships, nights out, a meal, a holiday.
Definition – Expectation
a strong belief that something will happen or be the case.
“reality had not lived up to expectations”
I have to hold my hands up and say I was that person who’s expectations always were far higher than ideal and this ultimately left me, many times disappointed, but then sometimes the way we are sold experiences does not help
From …
The new house that will change the way you live your life, the latest washing machine that will save hours and effort, and the most bizarre one the shirts that don’t need ironing wrong, they do lol
The moral is to keep your expectations low then you will be less disappointed but on the upside you could be very pleasantly surprised with the outcome
Until the next time
Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised