A bizarre sex fact …. 43% of golfers would trade sex for the perfect swing ! (source :national survey by Lexus ) What the survey doesn’t say is who was asked the question nor their ages ? Men or women or a combination On one hand I would say there are many men out there who are obsessed with golf…
Tag: blogs
I maybe blonde but love a good feel of a book
Top 5 December books ( ones read or leafed through, online or paperback) Delia Smith Christmas cook book – try the veggie options .. celery and blue Stilton soup Agatha Christie – The autobiography, re reading after many years Miss read stories, 1960’s stories of local school teacher and village life Wartime cook book by Marguerite Patten, making economical Bourbon…
I maybe blonde but people watching is an art
when you do this job it makes you look at people in the street very differently just look around you now, who do you see ? opposite me is a mature gent on his own, having the soup of the day, in between coffee sips making notes in a small book, could be his shopping list or which girl to…
I may be blonde but …the key is not being a bimbo lol
Had to laugh at a complimentary item that arrived with a recent order from the UK condom company I use for excellent flavoured ones…. with banana, strawberry and tropical fruit who needs your five a day fruit lol, – Amidst the packaging, condoms, free lubes and an information leaflet on how to use condoms! Was a key ring, how nice…
I maybe blonde but …. Never say no to a tart
Last week I had my ‘Works Christmas party’ …. … well in fact I have been rather greedy this was my second one, first was with my duo lady, Catherine and this was with my best friend who is an Artist, who also loves to cook, clean, shop and general no 1 personal assistant Even when you work for yourself…
I maybe blonde but ….. know how to light your spark !
Just had to tell you about a funny incident that happened when entertaining a gentleman one evening last week Let me set the scene – we were having a naughty play on the bed, delightful chilled music on, lights on low, me in my ff stockings, strappy very high heels and six strap garter belt Enjoying lots…
I maybe blonde but … and i am proud to have a friend who is a transgender woman
I have a new girl friend called Julie That’s nothing unusual I hear you say, only for the fact I have them known him for 30 years but only met her for the first time last week …. now you’re confused, let me explain … My best long term male friend Harry (apart from the husband) transformed recently…
I maybe blonde but ….. would you guess what i do ?
Recently been on my Christmas and New Year adventure – this time another cruise, As you can imagine there are fascinating groups of guests on a cruise, lots of Americans, Australians and few of us delightful English – different shapes, backgrounds, sizes … not of that really matters as amazingly most people get on – whether its during a trivia…
I maybe blonde but ….. what can you do with a knitted banana ?
I usually write about bizarre experiences or mouth before brain moments however just had to let you know about a growing interest I have had the misfortune to come across lol Would have come up with a snappy title and big build up but the thing is it’s just better said – so here goes Knitted fruit and vegetables! You’re…