Firstly, here is the news, it’s big news for me … maybe not for you BUT from August I am stopping full time escorting !! after 15 years of meeting lovely gents I am dropping hands on for more time in the virtual world So what this means is I will be concentrating my time on my pay to view…
Tag: phonechats

I maybe blonde but …. i do get stuck for words often
Oh, the joys of ‘gents questions on webcam … Very busy cam room last week and furiously typing away saying hello and greetings, welcome to everyone who pops in, so to speak, lol Often I get asked not the most intelligent of questions… Gent:- Hi there Anna:- Welcome Gent:- by the way what’s your name confused look by me, but…
I maybe blonde but ….. what can you do with a knitted banana ?
I usually write about bizarre experiences or mouth before brain moments however just had to let you know about a growing interest I have had the misfortune to come across lol Would have come up with a snappy title and big build up but the thing is it’s just better said – so here goes Knitted fruit and vegetables! You’re…